What kids see on TV, computers, and smartphones has an impact on them. And too much screen time takes away from reading, learning, and playing. Here are some tips for setting good viewing habits.
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Genetic testing can find mutations in genes that put you at higher risk for cancer. But there are complicated issues to consider before deciding whether genetic testing is right for you.
Pelvic pain can have many causes. But there's no need to suffere in silence. A healthcare provider can help.
Cataracts are a common eye problem among older adults.
When you are trying to have a baby, fertile times are an important factor. Use this information about your cycles to help to predict your more fertile times and when you will ovulate.
Lung cancer is a cancer that starts in the lungs. The major cause of lung cancer is smoking cigarettes. Learn about risk factors for lung cancer by taking this short assessment.
Diverticuli are herniations in the muscular layer of the colon that make small, saclike swellings. Diverticulitis occurs when diverticuli become inflamed and infected. This video looks at the possible causes of this condition, typical symptoms, and available treatments.